Six and a half months old

At the end of March, I was 6 and a half months old.
I visited the doctor for my third round of vaccinations,
and found out that I am 25 inches long and weigh 16 pounds, 5 ounces.
At home, I'm now eating rice cereal every day and trying out
different vegetables: sweet peas, green beans, sweet potatoes,
winter squash and carrots. Sweet peas are my favorite!
Soon, I'll be trying out oatmeal cereal and enjoying my first taste
of bananas. And the doctor says I can now have diluted apple juice
sometimes - yay!
I don't have any teeth yet, but I'm drooling more and more,
so maybe soon. I love to giggle and meet new people,
and sometimes I put the sounds 'Ma-ma' together when
I'm really trying to get a point across, but usually my
noises are grunts and raspberries with my tongue,
and the 'Umm' sound when I eat.
I'm comfortable sitting up all by myself now, and I can hold
my own bottle. I like tummy-time much better these days, too.
I'm starting to raise myself up (like a push-up), so
Moms think that I'll be crawling soon enough. I'm ready!!
Moms think that I'll be crawling soon enough. I'm ready!!

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