Kestin Alyssa Lin

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Flashback 2

Blair Witch Project!!
(Nah, just kidding...)

Here I am, visiting an 18th century homestead in New England...

There's a lot to consider when you're a tourist! I really connect with this place! I have so much to think about: the old stone foundation, the privy, the well... it's all really fascinating.

Okay, maybe the history here is not that serious after all...

But it is really interesting...
The Wentworth House, built in 1769... destroyed later by fire... Mr. Wentworth was the last royal governor of New Hampshire, did you know that??

I give it a thumbs-up! Definitely come see it yourself someday! (though honestly, I doubt my moms could find it again - I think they drove in circles on this trip... Just ask Aunt Sheryl about that silly moose they thought they saw...)


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