Saturday August 26th
Kestin will be born soon! Her mommies can't wait (neither can her birthmom...) Due-date countdown: 13 days!!
WELCOME to Kestin's Blog! This is an easy way for family & friends to keep up with her growth and adventures!
Kestin will be born soon! Her mommies can't wait (neither can her birthmom...) Due-date countdown: 13 days!!
posted by Kestin @ Saturday, August 26, 2006
WELCOME to Kestin's Blog! This is an easy way for family & friends to keep up with her growth and adventures!
I am now TWELVE YEARS OLD! I'm in the 6th grade, and I love math, physics, drama club, hip hop dancing, news crew, animating, playing in the river, my pets and my baby sister. Thanks for checking out my blog!