Kestin Alyssa Lin
WELCOME to Kestin's Blog! This is an easy way for family & friends to keep up with her growth and adventures!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Halloween 3 - at the mall

I find that my sign language comes in very handy at moments like these... If I 'Please' and 'More' just right, Mamma will hand over strawful after strawful of her yummy slurpee. Who needs Halloween candy?

So big!
Halloween Night 2

Of course I also had to say Hi to everybody. There were so many people, I had to get my double-wave going!
Halloween 2007

This Halloween, we made my costume. I was a painter... and got rave reviews. I gave out candy to the staff at the office, and then Halloween night my moms took me to the mall so I could see all the other kids and trick-or-treat. Wow! What a lot of fun!

Visit from PA caseworker
Hey Everybody! Here I am with Helen, from the court system in Pennsylvania. She came to visit us at home, to help us finalize my adoption. Thanks, Helen! See you on November 15th up in Pittsburgh...

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Day Trip to Seattle
While in Oregon, we had to take a quick day-trip up to Washington, to visit the hotel that will be sponsoring our event in Seattle next April...

It was a great day! Mamma Cindy used to live in Seattle, so she showed us all the best sights. She said me and Mamma Marianne must be magical, because it was such a clear day that we could see all the huge mountains... Can you see it, hazy there in the background?? ...It's Mt. Rainier!