Kestin Alyssa Lin

WELCOME to Kestin's Blog! This is an easy way for family & friends to keep up with her growth and adventures!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

At school...

Both my moms visit my 2nd grade classroom sometimes.  During the Christmas play they volunteered every day to help with each performance.  I love having them with me at school!

St Patrick's Day, 2015

My moms love making St. Patrick's Day fun!  This year, we had my friends over and we had a gold coin scavenger hunt... Mom said this was because it had been too cold and the clovers were not yet up and growing in our yard...  We also planted some starter seeds with Mamma for the garden, had a build-your-own-pizza night, played a board game and ran around and just had fun.  Woohoo!  I say, we were all pretty lucky this year!!

Seeking those gold coins the leprechauns hid for us!!

Helping mamma start seeds for the garden

Comparing the different sizes and colors of our chickens' eggs...  We have white ones, light blue ones, light pinkish ones, and brown ones :)

Oh YUM!!  Pizza Night!

Deep Snow, Winter 2015

Our first snow of the season was November 1, 2014...  Then we had very cold weather, and some light snow...  a few chances for sledding but not as much as I'd want.  GOOD NEWS!  Late February finally brought LOTS of snow, and yes - lots of days out of school.  PLAY TIME FOR ME!!!!

In Raleigh, January 2015

A quick business trip to Raleigh with my parents.  Hotel pool, time visiting my cousins, and some fun photo opp/s.  Yippee!

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Who I Am...

A recent FB post by my Mom...  Thought it was worth sharing here on the blog :)

So...  quite often Cindy and I like to find little ways to remind Kestin just how precious she is.  Recently one of those conversations took a new turn, as Kesty herself steered it along.  Thought it would be of particular interest to our Pittsburgh clan:

Cindy, to Kesty:  "How'd you get to be so darn cute??"
Me:  "Obviously she gets it from me!"
Kestin, playfully indignant:  "Noooooooooo....  I get it from my birthmom.  And my birthdad."

Precious, indeed!  Love it that she is taking such ownership of all those wonderful unique facets of herself!