Kestin Alyssa Lin
WELCOME to Kestin's Blog! This is an easy way for family & friends to keep up with her growth and adventures!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Uncle George
I got to meet my second cousins, Faith and Nathaniel...
and my Mom's cousins, Suzy and Chris.

They say that Suzy is my first cousin, once removed...
Suzy wants to know, 'Do we look removed to you??'

Tourists in Boston

And, once again, Thanks to cousin Grace in Vermont for the cozy wool sweater with the sheep on it. I always get lots of compliments!
Traveling to Boston
Me, Moms and Duncan drove for two days... We got to stop at some fun rest stops along the way. Just think, I've driven through or visited at least fourteen states already... and I'm only six and a half months old!

Saturday, April 07, 2007
Six and a half months old

At the end of March, I was 6 and a half months old.
I visited the doctor for my third round of vaccinations,
and found out that I am 25 inches long and weigh 16 pounds, 5 ounces.
At home, I'm now eating rice cereal every day and trying out
different vegetables: sweet peas, green beans, sweet potatoes,
winter squash and carrots. Sweet peas are my favorite!
Soon, I'll be trying out oatmeal cereal and enjoying my first taste
of bananas. And the doctor says I can now have diluted apple juice
sometimes - yay!
I don't have any teeth yet, but I'm drooling more and more,
so maybe soon. I love to giggle and meet new people,
and sometimes I put the sounds 'Ma-ma' together when
I'm really trying to get a point across, but usually my
noises are grunts and raspberries with my tongue,
and the 'Umm' sound when I eat.
I'm comfortable sitting up all by myself now, and I can hold
Moms think that I'll be crawling soon enough. I'm ready!!

On our Beach

Warm weather visited for awhile!
The perfect time for me to finally explore sand. What fun Mom and I had... I pulled at leaves and sticks, tasted a little sand (of course) and investigated the way my toes behave without socks. My least favorite part was coming back inside and having to wash my hands. No fair!